The yeast

The Latin or scientific name for brewer’s yeast is Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Saccharomyces comes from the Greek word “Sakkharos” which means “sugar” and “myckê” which means “mushroom”. As for “cerevisiae” it comes from the Gallic word “cerevisiae” which means “cervoise”, a name formerly given to beer.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a microorganism from the plant kingdom and is classified as a form of unicellular fungus which has a nucleus (eukaryote).

To choose a good yeast, it is important to ensure:

– That it does not come from genetically modified organisms (GMO).
– Its bioavailability of essential nutrients which are easily assimilated by the body.
– If vitamins or minerals have been added, whether these were added during the culture process and not during the dehydration process.
– The actual presence of active organic substances; some liquid yeasts remove important components of the yeast cell walls to make the product soluble.
– The presence on the labels of the nutritional information table on essential nutrients.

This nutritional yeast, is cultivated on sugar cane or beet molasses. Since it is dehydrated, it is inactive. It is a yeast rich in proteins, fibers, B group vitamins including vitamin B12 necessary for people who do not eat meat. It also contains minerals such as zinc, selenium as well as essential amino acids.

It is important to take into account the combination of the following parameters: the strain used in the culture medium, the nutrients added to the culture medium and the dehydration and/or extraction process at the end of the culture which determines the qualities nutritional or therapeutic properties of nutritional yeast.

Depending on the selected strain, the yeast’s food can be varied by adding a plant extract or essential nutrients. For example, if an inorganic form of selenium is added, yeast has the capacity to transform this mineral into L-selenomethionine, a form that is highly assimilable by the body. The dehydration or extraction method is important in order to preserve the nutritional and therapeutic properties of the yeast.

It should be noted that nutritional yeast is an excellent nutritional supplement and its use should be integrated as part of a balanced and varied diet.

It comes in flake or powder form.

Brewer’s yeast is alive if it has retained all its active ingredients, its vitamins in particular those of group B and contains 20 billion living cells per gram.

It must come from an excellent beer. It is then washed in very cold water, the temperature must not exceed 30 degrees C. Drying is done by dehydration, at base temperature, 20 degrees C. by the passage of a current of dry air and oxygen. It is important to respect this process in order to prevent the yeast cells from bursting and to keep them alive with all their natural active ingredients.

Live brewer’s yeast is recommended for its action on the intestinal flora, it is an excellent natural probiotic. It also has an action on the skin and hair.

It comes in capsule form.

In the 1940s, it was discovered that yeast cell walls have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Two decades later, Dr. Nicholas Diluzio discovered which molecule in yeast cell walls had this action : Beta 1, 3 Glucan. There are different types of glucan in nature.

Beta-1,3-glucan from the cell walls of the yeast Saccharomyces cerivisiae is a polysaccharide substance and is recognized for its immune functions in the body. It helps fight viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic and neoplastic invasions as well as free radicals.

As with any supplement, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before beginning any supplementation, especially if you have health problems or are taking other medications.

It comes in capsule form.

In 1920, it was the French microbiologist Henri Boulard who discovered a new strain of yeast in Indochina. This yeast which bears its name is a probiotic yeast which belongs to the Saccharomyces family.

This acts mainly on the intestinal flora and helps to assimilate the various essential nutrients. It also contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system.

It comes in capsule form.

What differentiates brewer’s yeast from living yeast, it is the dehydration process that preserves fewer enzymatic characteristics.

Despite this loss, it is a good “food”, thanks in particular to the presence of several essential nutrients.

It comes in tablet form.

This yeast is cultivated on a sulphitic base coming from the activity of a pulp and paper factory, hence its name “wood” yeast.

It is also known by the scientific name Candida utilis (formerly Torula utilis). This yeast is mainly used for its protein qualities and as a flavor enhancer for different food preparations, such as veggie pâté. It is also used in various industrial applications. It seems that this yeast is the least digestible of the yeasts.

It comes in powder or liquid form.

Baker’s yeast is the most popular yeast. This type of single-cell yeast is widely used in baking, particularly in the making of bread, brioches, baguettes and other baked goods. This yeast is a single-celled microorganism that ferments sugars. It belongs to the yeast family and is a single-celled microorganism that ferments sugars, producing carbon dioxide and ethanol.

It is available in the form of dry or fresh yeast. Dry yeast often needs to be rehydrated before being added to the dough, while fresh yeast is usually added directly.